The Wright Door Co.

About Your Garage Door

Your Garage Door

Most homeowners use their Garage Door as the primary entrance to their homes. In one month, your Garage Door can go up and down hundreds of times. Your Garage Door is also usually the largest moving object in your house and has many moving parts. So, lack of maintenance or other neglect can cause serious problems. Once a Garage Door or one of its components breaks or malfunctions, it’s often a sign that other parts may be damaged or worn.

There are many factors to consider when thinking about your Garage Door:

Garage Door Safety

In 2011, the last data year available, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s National Electronic Injury Surveillance System estimates that more than 20,000 people were injured by Garage Doors and Garage Door Openers.

With Garage Doors, injuries are possible in many different was from the garage door falling to having fingers pinched between Garage Door sections due to problems such as unbalanced springs to frayed cables. The most dangerous Garage Door Components by far are the garage door springs, which are under considerable pressures and should only be repaired or installed by an experienced garage door professional. Never attempt to Repair a Garage Door Spring unless you have the right experience.

Additionally if you have an electrically powered garage door opener, injuries can result from the opener having improperly adjusted up or down force, or misaligned safety sensors.

Regular inspections on Your Garage Door

Many people think that just looking at their Garage Door is enough to tell if there is something wrong. There are many components that a trained technician looks for that a homeowner may not know about. These can include end bearings, the center bearing, stationary and set cones, the flag bracket and top roller bracket. And that doesn’t include other major components like the hinges and rollers.

Evaluating all of the components of a Garage Door is a task all its own.

Adding to the functional life of your Garage Door

Just like regular maintenance for your car, with proper care, you can extend the functional life of your Garage Door. Most Garage Door and Garage Door Opener manufacturers recommend an annual tune up and inspection by a qualified technician.

Although it cannot guarantee unending. An annual Garage Door tune up and regular maintenance by an experienced Garage Door technician can help identify extensive wear or parts that are in need of repair or replacement. Regular Garage Door and Garage Door Opener maintenance will save you money that you may otherwise have to spend.

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