A Broken Garage Door Spring

A Broken Garage Door Spring As a garage door repair professional, we get phone calls from homeowners who have a problem with their garage door. While it may seem like a difficult task to diagnose an issue, determining if you have a broken spring on your garage door is...

My Garage Door

My Garage Door My garage door is not opening! Yes, it is winter, and The Wright Door Co. hears that a bit more often this time of the year. The garage door just may be your “main entry” into the home, or the car is now stranded in the garage. As frustrating as it is,...

YouTube Channel

Garage Door YouTube channel   The Wright Door Company has decided to peek out of the ancient times that we learned about garage doors in. Yes, we know we are old and accept that. The Wright Door Co. has begun to step up our presence and change. The Wright Door...

Garage Door Problems

Garage Door problem?   The Wright Door Co. encounters a Garage door problem each day and we try and solve them as they are encountered. So, with the understanding that many will take a professional to correct today we will show some of the more serious garage...

The Inevitable Price Increase

  The inevitable Price Increase, has arrived. 2020 was an unprecedented year full of difficulties and changes. As we make our way through 2021, small businesses are continuing to adapt and adjust to these new times we are living in. The Dreaded Price Increase As...
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