Garage Door Problems

Garage Door problem?   The Wright Door Co. encounters a Garage door problem each day and we try and solve them as they are encountered. So, with the understanding that many will take a professional to correct today we will show some of the more serious garage...

The Garage Door

Yes, The Garage Door Most homeowners use The Garage Door as the primary entrance to their homes. In one month, your Garage Door can go up and down hundreds of times. Your Garage Door is also usually the largest moving object on your home. Yes I know. The Wright Door...

Garage Door Maintenance

When should I worry about Garage door Maintenance? At The Wright Door Co., we are asked hundreds of questions regarding garage doors and electric garage door openers by customers. Today we will highlight and answer the four most commonly asked questions. Why should I...

The Inevitable Price Increase

  The inevitable Price Increase, has arrived. 2020 was an unprecedented year full of difficulties and changes. As we make our way through 2021, small businesses are continuing to adapt and adjust to these new times we are living in. The Dreaded Price Increase As...

Garage Door Error Codes

Garage Door Error Codes Having an automatic Garage Door Operator can come with problems. We have put together a list of Garage Door Error Codes to help with some of those issues. Despite daily use, a lack of maintenance and neglect can cause problems for any garage...
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