Garage Door Operators

There are many types, styles and brands of Garage Door Operators. The Wright Door Co. will be writing about each of the main styles and brand of garage door operators. We believe it will lead to a decision that you are comfortable with. We get asked “can it be...

My Garage Door will Not Open

My Garage Door Will Not Open, WHY? Hello everyone, it is time for another insightful Garage Door Tip. My Garage Door Will Not Open. As stated previously, this cold weather is hard on Garage Doors. I hope it adds to the knowledge of your Garage Door. There are many...

Garage Door Safety

Garage door safety is not just the homeowner’s responsibility, but the garage door industries as a whole. Remember as the colder weather sets in so do the garage door problems. We have decided to list a few precautions to help the homeowner save money and be protected...

Garage Door Springs

Garage Door Springs We are often asked what the different types of garage door springs are, and if they can be up graded when being replaced. They are many factors that go into answering that question. Such as is are they extension or torsion springs? If they are...

Garage Door Maintenance

Garage Door Maintenance and its Importance Most homeowners use their Garage Door as the primary entrance. In one month, your door will go up and down hundreds of times. Your Garage Door is usually the largest moving object in your house, and has many moving parts;...
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